Setting up a 401k has many benefits
This week we will be looking at the benefits of 401k. Many people are familiar with what 401k is, that it's an investment tool that employers offer that allows their employees to put part of their paycheck, pre-tax, into an account and invest it. However, many people...
Moving can affect healthcare coverage
This week we will be focusing on whether or not moving can affect your healthcare coverage. And the general rule of thumb is yes, it most likely will. What many people do not realize is that when they move states, if they do not have employer-sponsored healthcare,...
Surprises with your healthcare plan
Recently, we had a pet that needed to get rushed to the vet ER in the middle of the night. And this got me thinking about life and how quickly it can all change. Planning for surprises with your healthcare plan is a great way to plan for those emergencies. So we took...
How to save money on healthcare procedures
We all know that healthcare and healthcare procedures can be really expensive. Even when we have good insurance, due to the high deductible, we’re often left paying huge amounts for procedures out of pocket. As a healthcare consumer, you’re not usually given options...
How to offer employer healthcare benefits
Often employers are seeking to hire great talent while offering a robust benefits package that will work in their favor. How to offer employer healthcare benefits is part of my job. I assist the employer in building a great healthcare package. In this blog, we will...
Understanding the basics of health insurance costs
This week I want to educate you on understanding the basics of health insurance costs and how to use it properly. Most people think that once they have gotten their insurance card, it's like magic - that they can just go to the doctor or go to the hospital and hand...
How to utilize the Marketplace and subsidies?
In today’s blog, we are discussing how to utilize the Marketplace and how health care subsidies work. A lot of people don't realize that when the new law was signed in March, that the guidelines for subsidies were changed. One of those changes is that if you do not...
What is the cost of an insurance broker agent?
A lot of people have that misconception that “if I just go directly to the marketplace and talk to them, then my rate will be cheaper.” It is the same pricing whether you use an agent or not, but, you have the advantage of having a licensed agent that knows the different plans and will ask you questions about what your needs are.
Saving on healthcare costs
Saving on healthcare costs? Why are premiums high? Does it really cost $50 for a box of tissues at the hospital? Let’s dig in.
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