There’s a good chance you are over-paying

Do you know what your health care really costs?

Ready for a free consultation? Schedule 30 minutes today.

Not your typical insurance broker

Get a custom portfolio of insurance & benefits

What are your true out-of-pocket costs for insurance and benefits? Many families and small businesses pay too much for insurance, or think they can’t afford to provide employee benefits. But a custom plan is likely to save you money.

Let us run the numbers. You might be surprised.

Families & Businesses

Custom plans to fit the needs of families as well as businesses with 3 to 100 employees.

Designed for your budget

Get a custom plan that gives you the most benefits based on your budget.

Information = Control

We arm you with the information you need to take control and make smart healthcare choices.

Not your typical insurance broker

  • Worked as an insurance consultant since 2013, helping clients find cost-effective solutions
  • 25+ years in human resources
  • Experience managing both medical and dental offices

For businesses with 3 to 100 employees

We offer solutions and services that are beneficial specifically to your organization. Through our consultative approach, we never lose sight of your goals and budget.


  • Fully insured group health plans (for 3-100 employees)
  • Group life insurance
  • Dental and vision plans
  • Disability income plans
  • Voluntary and supplemental plans
  • Accidental death and dismemberment coverage
  • Direct primary care
  • Telemedicine
  • Long-term care
  • 401k/retirement planning

For individuals & families

What are your unique needs?

We understand that no two individuals or families have the same needs. There is no “one size fits all.” We explore your needs and customize options specifically for you or your family.


  • Traditional ACA plans
  • Short-term plans
  • Private plans
  • Direct primary care plans
  • Telemedicine
  • Dental and vision plans
  • Life insurance
  • Long-term care
  • Annuities
  • Financial needs analysis
  • Retirement planning


Guidance for your healthcare decisions

Learn quick tips about how you can better understand and navigate the insurance and healthcare landscape, find discounts, and protect your business and your family. Get quick, smart, hard-hitting videos from your health insurance expert, Janice Kapp.

More than Death Insurance

Preventive Services

Bill Negotiation

Check out the Blog

Self-Employed Insurance

Self-Employed Insurance

Exciting News for Self-Employed Insurance Plans! It’s time for another edition of Tidbit Tuesdays, and I’ve got some exciting updates to share about health insurance plans for the self-employed. A few weeks ago, I talked about new insurance options for self-employed...

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Bad Experience

Bad Experience

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing the importance of being vigilant and proactive with your healthcare insurance and providers. Frustrating experiences come to us all. Today, I want to share another story that shows the need to stay informed and assertive...

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Get a free consultation to evaluate your current coverage

JKapp Consulting will educate you and give you the tools to understand and control insurance and healthcare costs.

Hear what our clients say

Katrina S.

Katrina S.

“Janice is a fantastic small business resource! She can help you offer your employees insurance at a group cost. Great coverage and pricing. She has access to sell different plans and can help find the right fit for your company’s individual needs. Extremely knowledgeable and I highly recommend, best we have worked with.”

Sky S.

Sky S.

“Janice recently helped me understand the risk and exposure of my current health plan. She was able to convert me to a better plan with a lower annual deductible plus additional disease and accident plans for a similar cost as my previous plan. Ring that bell for Janice!! Thank you!”

Brynna C.

Brynna C.

“Janice is the consummate professional, and she handles every call and person with the utmost courtesy and respect. She knows so much about insurance. She really helps people to navigate around—and through—the insurance puzzle. I highly recommend Janice for your insurance needs. She is a great educator!”

Ready for a free consultation? Schedule 30 minutes today.