Family Glitch

Family Glitch

We are right in the middle of open enrollment and today’s Tuesday Tip: There’s been a change that I want everyone to know about this year: The glitch is fixed for family subsidies. In previous years, if you or your spouse were offered employer health care, that meant...
The Portal

The Portal

This week I’m going to do a PSA about the patient portal or the client policyholder portal. All insurance companies have an online portal. If you have existing coverage and have you not set up your portal, need to set it up your portal, ASAP. Anytime you get new...
Provider Networks

Provider Networks

This week I would like to highlight why considering provider networks is important. Many insurance companies work with specific doctors and hospitals, and they are referred to as ‘in-network’. This usually means that by using an in-network doctor you would save money...
Understanding Cobra

Understanding Cobra

Tuesday tip: Make sure you use a qualified broker to help you decide on whether COBRA or Marketplace plans are right for you when leaving a job This week I am going to talk about COBRA coverage because it seems to be an area where there is a lot of confusion. When...
Health Insurance Tools

Health Insurance Tools

Tuesday Tip: Shop around & consider paying cash for health tests and procedures Happy Tuesday. It’s time for tidbit Tuesday’s again, this week, I’m really excited because I have a great new tool that I want to share with you. There’s a new...