Never Pay The First Bill!

Never Pay The First Bill!

Something that I get asked many, many times is “why did I get this large bill?”. Surprise bills do happen – and oftentimes people are not expecting them because they believe that they have done everything right, such as staying in-network. But due to deductibles and...
Marketplace Payment

Marketplace Payment

Open enrollment has come to an end – January 15th was the final day to enroll for coverage for 2022. Remember, that you do need to make your payment by January 31st. It is important to make your first Marketplace payment to ensure that your insurance will go into...
Be Fabulous

Be Fabulous

I have been sharing a lot these past months about insurance – let’s take a break from insurance and talk about something else that I also help my clients with, and that is to be fabulous and live a better life. Here are my three cents 😊 I think everyone deserves a...
Marketplace Coverage Deadline

Marketplace Coverage Deadline

It’s the second week of January and we have another hard deadline coming up. Today is January 11; January 15 is the final day for open enrollment for Marketplace insurance. If you have not made a selection, and you need coverage for 2022, please make sure you reach...