
Primary Care Doctor

Primary Care Doctor

Time for a story! We had something interesting happen at the house last week. We had an AC person come because we were having trouble with airflow. We had a new unit put in two years ago and came to find out that some of the vents were leaking and not sealed properly,...

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Marketplace Coverage

Marketplace Coverage

I want to clear up a misunderstanding that a lot of people have about the Marketplace. I received a call from a client, who had recently done their taxes, which prompted me to realize that many people do not understand the dynamics of Marketplace and how: Adjusted...

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I get asked a lot about small business insurance options for people who don’t pay themselves as a W2, or maybe are 1099, or who have LLCs. Exciting news! There is a program now! I have many options to choose from. One particular program offers: Plans specifically for...

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People tend not to think about the insurance implications when their kids go off to college. Your student may be going out of state, or to the other side of the state (which matters in such a large state as Texas!), and their coverage may be affected. If you have...

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Medicare – important tips to be aware of for enrolling yourself or your parents in Medicare Last week, our blog was focused on Medicare, and ensuring that you are aware of the time frames relating to when you can sign up and when you should have signed up by. This...

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