
Never Pay The First Bill!

Never Pay The First Bill!

Something that I get asked many, many times is “why did I get this large bill?”. Surprise bills do happen – and oftentimes people are not expecting them because they believe that they have done everything right, such as staying in-network. But due to deductibles and...

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Be Fabulous

Be Fabulous

I have been sharing a lot these past months about insurance – let’s take a break from insurance and talk about something else that I also help my clients with, and that is to be fabulous and live a better life. Here are my three cents 😊 I think everyone deserves a...

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End of the Year

End of the Year

It’s the last Tuesday of the year, I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by. I have made it through the first round of open enrollment. I am currently getting a lot of questions about the health care coverage starting January 1, questions such as people not...

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The Deadline

The Deadline

Our first major deadline has passed - December 15 has come and gone. That was your chance to get health insurance with an effective date of January 1. If you are the person thinking “Oh my gosh, I missed the deadline, I don't have insurance!”, don't despair, because...

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Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance

We are in the midst of open enrollment, and I’m getting a lot of questions lately about dental insurance. There are some choices for dental insurance on the Marketplace, but they all appear to be just basic coverage (cleanings and maybe checkups), and it appears that...

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Healthcare Surprise Billing

Healthcare Surprise Billing

This week I am excited to bring you some information about a new change that will be coming relating to health care billing. As of January 1, 2022, there is new legislation going into effect that will eliminate healthcare surprise billing. I am sure that most people...

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