
Save, Save, Save!

Save, Save, Save!

Before we jump into today’s topic of life insurance, here is a little Tidbit Tuesday tip: SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! I encourage all people to save whether that is to have a medical savings account or just a savings account on the side that they put some cash into for medical...

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Never Pay The First Bill!

Never Pay The First Bill!

Something that I get asked many, many times is “why did I get this large bill?”. Surprise bills do happen – and oftentimes people are not expecting them because they believe that they have done everything right, such as staying in-network. But due to deductibles and...

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Be Fabulous

Be Fabulous

I have been sharing a lot these past months about insurance – let’s take a break from insurance and talk about something else that I also help my clients with, and that is to be fabulous and live a better life. Here are my three cents 😊 I think everyone deserves a...

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