Happy Client
Client testimony – selecting the right coverage for you is so important! So this week, I wanted to give you a little story about how I recently helped a client. As an insurance agent, what I find is that people generally have all kinds of ideas about insurance. What I...
Life vs. Disability
As an insurance agent, you would expect me to answer that both life insurance and disability insurance are important. And that is somewhat true. But in reality, the answer to this question is not simple and will differ for different people, depending on what stage of...
What is Disability Insurance?
I get asked often what disability insurance is. In short, disability insurance is actual insurance that protects your paycheck. Many people don’t understand exactly what that entails. Basically, it means that you can purchase a policy that will give you benefits if...
Understanding Cobra
Tuesday tip: Make sure you use a qualified broker to help you decide on whether COBRA or Marketplace plans are right for you when leaving a job This week I am going to talk about COBRA coverage because it seems to be an area where there is a lot of confusion. When...
Health Insurance Tools
Tuesday Tip: Shop around & consider paying cash for health tests and procedures Happy Tuesday. It's time for tidbit Tuesday's again, this week, I'm really excited because I have a great new tool that I want to share with you. There's a new website, I don't know...
Dental Insurance
Tuesday Tip: book an appointment with me to determine your dental needs to discover if dental insurance or a dental savings plan is right for you. I get asked questions a lot about dental insurance. The questions are usually focused on “do I need dental insurance?”...
Preventive Care
Tuesday Tip: make sure you know what your health care plan covers for preventive care BEFORE visiting the doctor’s office. This week, we will focus on how preventive care works with insurance. Let’s start with a client example. I've recently had a female client call...
This week’s Tuesday Tidbit: check out the health care coverage rules and options if you are moving to a new state – particularly if you do not have employer-sponsored coverage. This week’s Tuesday Tip: moving counts as a qualifying event – you have a 60-day window to...
Marketplace Agent
Working with the Marketplace can be daunting and confusing. Having a Marketplace agent or broker to help you navigate the system is very important. This is for two reasons – firstly, an agent knows what special events qualify for an open enrollment period and can...
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